Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Belly Aches and Pics

On Mother's Day, poor Greysen had a belly ache of epic proportions. He's had them before but nothing like this. He fussed and cried and wouldn't eat and just simply wasn't the happy sweet baby we know and love. We finally gave him Mylicon and there began the deluge of spit-ups. I've never seen him spit up so much. I was relieved even though he went through three outfits and many spit rags before he was himself again.

CDoc tried to take photos of him but we weren't into photos when Greysen was so uncomfortable. But here are few of the really great ones she got with just my point-and-shoot digital camera. There will be more to come when we get the others ones developed from her film camera. Thanks Aunt Cassie!


  1. Mama, Papa and Baby Greysen take beautiful photos, with the help of Auntie Cassie!

  2. Oh no! Was it something you ate? He he he.

    I need to get Cassie to come take some photos of my giant 2 year old and giant belly!
