Monday, November 29, 2010


We have a bounty of thanks in the Jakes household this year.

We're thankful that Greysen eats solid foods like turkey on Thanksgiving (and I don't have to nurse as much - YAY!).

And for friends and family ...

And his newest friend Amelia Ann Moog ...
And for hikes in the snow ... Greysen loves the backpack and getting snow on his face. He likes to stick out his tongue so the flakes fall in his mouth.

And for moving around ... even though it's backwards.
And for our happy, healthy family.

Happy Thanksgiving. Love, The Jakes'

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Smarty Pants!

Greysen update - there are a lot of things to update!!

Greysen can:

1. Say 'hi.' Literally says it when you walk into the room. Could be his first word?

2. Wave buh-bye when you walk out of the room.

3. Say Mamamamamamaaaa when I walk into the room. Could be his first word?

4. Clap and maybe sign for "more" when we aren't feeding him quickly enough. The two actions are quite similar so they could be interchangealble.

5. Scoot backward to get to a toy - but the toy is in front of him. Even got himself stuck under the couch. Cute thing...

5. NOT get any cuter - especially in his all plaid outfit (thanks to Bennett).

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ch - Ch - Changes

Greysen has gone through some changes of late ....

We moved into a new house on Oct. 29 (and that's why you haven't heard from me). Luckily, it proved to be somewhat painless because of the help we received from friends, Oma, Opa and Cassie. Amy P, Eric M, and Chris H did some packing and heavy lifting, Oma and Opa literally moved all the boxes and unpacked the whole kitchen, and Cassie took G so we could do this all without stepping over the little guy. Thanks to everyone who helped and offered to help. Now we have to unpack the rest of the boxes...

So not only does G have a new house, he has a new room. The surroundings for him are quite different but he's adjusted well and just when he began to sleep through the night, we shook it up again ... We flew to MN to visit Aunt Jessie and Uncle Dave.

And Aunt Jessie is as cute as can be with that little belly of hers (which holds another little guy that Greysen can't WAIT to meet).

And the time change has thrown him off a bit too. And the late flight into Helena last night. And the sudden change of seasons to frigid.
All of this, and G is still the smiling happy baby we love.