Friday, March 20, 2015

Skype Saves the Day

Greysen and I are together every other week through the summer.  I find it extremely difficult mid-week to find my grounding while he's gone. Everything seems off; maybe it hits me that we still have another half week to go before we see each other. Usually by Wednesday we get to Skype or talk on the phone. This week we Skyped and it was so sweet.

Greysen: Mama, it feels like 12,000 eons since we saw each other.
Me: Yes, when you really miss someone, it always feels longer than it really is.
Greysen: Yeah, especially when you love someone.
Me: Yes, and I do love you.
Greysen, with his head in his hands: Yes, and I do love you too.

And with that, I felt better. Although we know our kids love us, hearing it makes all the difference.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Still Finding My Grace

I'm in the second session of a class called the Circle of Security.  It's a parenting class that has turned out to be a class about how to connect with people.  It has changed my life. 

Most importantly for this story, it has changed my parenting.  I can relate to Greysen on a different level.  I have the permission to just let him feel through life instead of taking on the responsiblity to fix every emotion.  Turns out, the more I let him feel, the better I feel and the better it is for him.  Who knew? 

Although I have so many less instances of feeling hopeless, helpless or just DONE, I still feel this way sometimes.  It happened the other night.  Greysen was up waaay LATE (early?) due to our travels back from a trip to see the MN contingent of the Sweetest Family In All The Land.  It makes for the perfect storm when I'm tired, G is tired and we are scrambling to get back into the swing of things called "Reality." 

After approximately 42.3 MILLION attempts to get me back into his room for water, bug repellent, dinosaur removal, and generally anything-that-will-get-Mama-back-in-there, I LOST it.  Screamed.  Obscenities. Loudly.  My dog barked at me.  Even he knew.  Not good. 

This, of course, does not result in the desired outcome.  Greysen cried, I cried, my dog barked, and I am certain the tenant upstairs quickly typed out his 30-day notice.

And I felt horrible.  I knew it was a mistake immediately after I did it.  I took a breather and held my son for a very long time.  I said I was sorry 42.3 MILLION times until Greysen finally stopped me and said, "I know you're sorry, Mama."  And then I cried more. 

I still get teary just writing this even though I also somehow feel better just admitting it.  And then I read this yesterday.  The internets had me in mind yesterday when this circulated.  And then I thought that maybe some other good Mamas out there might need this sometimes too.  Because I think we're always finding our grace.