Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Greysen is happily eating solids. He's had rice cereal and oatmeal, green beans, carrots, peas, beets, and even tried peaches. The only one he's regularly rejected has been the peaches. He'd rather eat the green stuff. I figure I might as well take advantage of that since it's not likely to last. Tomorrow he'll try plums (thanks to Becky Schreiner's plum tree) and sweet potatoes. Mmmmmm.... This is a happy baby with a full belly...


Greysen loves his new friend Hero. Oma rescued Hero from his first home at Frayed Sew where he was surrounded by others that didn't quite appreciate how delicious he was to chew on and to cuddle with at night. Luckily Greysen appreciates all of these fine traits and many more - like how he is so much fun to hang by the feet and whip around and smack against the table top. Oh what good friends they will be for life.

Monday, September 20, 2010

If I were queen of my universe ... (which I'm not) ...

I know this is totally cliche, but maybe I'm cliche. There is a reason something is cliche, kinda like stereotypes, there is some truth to them. THIS is the truth, I can't stand the toilet seat left up. IF the toilet seat were meant to be left up (which it was NOT), it would be more aesthetically pleasing to leave it up than to leave it down. It would be more universally useful to leave it up than to leave it down. It would be LESS angering to leave it up than to leave it down.

What I don't understand is WHY this has become so cliche. Instead of making me LOOK inside the toilet every time I walk by, LOOK at the piss left on the side of the toilet rim, LOOK at the way I've neglected to clean the toilet bowl, why NOT just put the damned toilet seat DOWN?

AND THEN when I return to our room after the haze of wandering down two flights of stairs to feed our obviously starving baby boy at 3:30 a.m., I won't FALL INTO that unclean toilet bowl that I didn't see because I was trying to avoid turning on the light and waking up the peacefully sleeping person in bed next to me with the bright light; the person who just so happened to leave the toilet seat up. And then I could avoid sitting on the piss around the toilet and feel like I have to take a shower in the wee hours of the morning to clean the piss off my ass.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


You're days away from your half-birthday, September 22. I am insanely in love with everything about you ... well, except maybe the semi-solid poops you've recently started, but more on that later... from the smiles you give to everyone to the intense way you stare at whatever your focus to the peaceful way you sleep all cozy in your swaddle. You are truly a joy to be around and make every situation that much more fun to see through the eyes of a baby taking it all in and learning from every new experience. The smiles that light up your whole face are infectious.

You've started to eat solid food! At 5 months old, I started you on rice cereal cuz I thought it might take you a little while to figure it out. Who was I kidding? It took you exactly 5 bites and you had it down. For a couple weeks I gave you rice cereal in the evenings. Then Cassie fed you cereal in the mornings too. And then we started you on sweet peas. The first time you ate peas, you shuddered as it first touched your lips. Your whole body revolted from the taste, texture, and smell of it. But you kept eating it and now you are on to green beans. You seemed to like green beans from the start. I started to make your baby food - your green beans were from the Farmers Market. I also made peaches to freeze and will continue to do this so that you have fresh veggies and fruits well into the winter.

With the addition of solid foods to your diet, you've also added some solid poops much to our delight. Wow, are they stinky! I still can't believe such stinky nastiness can come from such a sweet baby. You've become quite regular with one nasty big poop per day - just like your Papa. Won't you both be excited that I readily share this with the Internet!?!?

Today, I took you to the 3rd birthday party of a little boy named Leo. You were incredibly sweet and loveable bundle of joy. You gave out smiles readily, especially to the pretty ladies, and wooed every one that stopped to receive them. You watched all the kids run around, laughed at the dogs barking and laughed with me while we swang on the swing. I couldn't have asked for a sweeter, more well-behaved baby.
With each new age you enter, it's my new favorite age. You continue to surprise me with new and more fun milestones. I can't iamgine being any more in love with you or thinking you are any more neat-o. But every day you surprise me with another reason to fall more and more head over heels for you. I look forward to so many more half-birthdays with half birthday cakes and half days of school (skipping the other half to spend it with Mama and Papa). I love you sweet baby Grey.
Love Mama

Friday, September 17, 2010


Greysen is fast approaching 6 months SIX MONTHS! It's hard for me to think of a time without him. But the time has gone so fast that it seems like just yesterday that I was worried about labor. Ugh, labor; shouldn't even mention that ...

I have really great photos and videos of Greysen at this age but they're stuck on my camera. I can't find the cord for downloading the goods cuz I probably packed it when I got our house ready to put on the market. Yep, we sold it in anticipation of buying another house we really liked. And that deal fell through. So now we're at square one with our house sold and nowhere else to go. Gulp.

It'll all work out. But I still have to find that cord. Who knows how long it'll be packed away and I just can't go without my pics of G. Stay tuned ....

But here's a a couple older photos that I love ...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Greysen is giving kisses! There is nothing I love more than his open-mouthed slobbery wet kisses. What a sweet little boy!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Moving on up - to the west side ...

We put our house on the market on Wednesday and had it sold by Friday. My head is still spinning. I am now deep in the thick of calling appraisers, bankers, inspectors, etc. The listing doesn't even do it justice but the pics are pretty nice: www.bigskybrokers.com/homefinder/Property24&Class=RESIDENTSelect.asp?MLS=277624&Class=RESIDENTIAL. It's no wonder someone else walked in and fell in love like Hubs did when he bought it. Luckily, we've found another house that we think will be a good replacement for this house.

And in the meantime, we're still enjoying this sweet little man: