Thursday, May 20, 2010


Greysen's little body is trying to dispell all the gunk leftover from his cold. And because babies don't know how to blow their own noses, I have to use the aspirator. It's that blue bulb that goes up the nose and sucks the snot out ... notoriously hated, but desparately needed. I think Greysen has figured out that it helps him breathe because he has stopped fighting it. He's miserable enough to realize, even in his little baby brain, that I'm helping him by making him momentarily uncomfortable. Poor little guy.


  1. I always wonder how you clean those things out after they've been used. Is it just full of dried snot after a while?

  2. That's what those things are called? I just yell out, "SUCTION!!" and Rory comes zipping in with the blue bulb in hand....
    Sorry to hear you've had a rough week in WY. BUT glad to hear G-Man is on the mend!!
