Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Random Acts of Cuteness

I feel like I've been missing out on some of his random daily cuteness. So I'm trying to take regular photos of G. These are some of the random captured moments ...

Kissing babies in the book (a future in politics?)


Hoping there is something in the egg

Cuddling with every cushion, pillow, blanky, and stuffed animal in sight

Easter egg hunt

Sitting in the "Tot Spot"


I keep thinking that he's maxed out on cuteness and then he surprises me with more. More to come ...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Silly LIttle Mister

Do you think he has a future as a clown?


G turns 13 months today. And as I guessed, he learned to walk before his 13 month milestone. Here is a cute video of his waddle and the fun he has while doing it:

(Sorry - couldn't figure out how to turn it around ... )

And another one (can't just have one!) ...

Cute Little Mister is upright!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREYSEN! He turned ONE! on March 22, 2011. Cassie taught him to show us how old he is...

We celebrated first with Uncle Dave, Aunt Jessie and Cousin Sam. They flew in to celebrate with G for his first birthday. Very sweet. I'll post pics when I can get them.

The family photo which includes the cake I made for G. It's an applesauce cake. He loves bread and he loves applesauce. How could I go wrong? Well, I forgot to take into consideration that he already has a mind of his own and it is manifesting itself in an eating rebellion. There are no rules that apply to this kid's meal choice (not even mac-n-cheese entices this guy).

The cake was a hit with the adults, but G had another idea about what to sink his gums into... the whipped cream topping.

Then we began to open the mountain of gifts. Thanks to Oma, Opa, Cassie, Uncle Dave and Aunt Jessie, and Granny Jingles for all the great gifts. Naturally though, he loved the boxes the most.


Week by week and month by month you delight your parents with your sweet, loveable personality and your adorable little being. Every stage of your development is our favorite. We have had the best year of our lives with you in it. And we are excited about the adventures we'll have together as a family in the future. We take every moment in and revel in its glory as we know that tomorrow will be a new milestone and another step, literally. Your newest milestone is to walk a few steps and while you still choose crawling as your mode of travel, it's a glimpse into the busy lives we have ahead of us. Your little waddle is as adorable as we've seen from you and you are so excited about the progress you make as you take 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 steps to reach us.... a little more each day. Thanks for making our year an utter delight with you just being alive. We love you more than anything Sweet Baby Grey.

Mama & Da-Da