Thursday, January 8, 2015


Greysen recieved a book with no words from his cousin Sam for Christmas.  He loves it.  The pictures include dragons and kings and bridges and moats and all the things he already loves.  The greatest thing about this book, though, is that we get to talk while we "read" the book. I requested, "Greysen, can you tell me the story this time."  He began like this, "The illustrator of the story maybe wanted us to be scared that a monster will come out of these doors." 

"Illustrator?  Did you just say 'illustrator'? Where did you learn that word?" 

In an exasperated voice, "Do you want me to be the storyteller or what?" 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Awesome that you are blogging and awesome little guy. Can't wait to read more!
