You're days away from your half-birthday, September 22. I am insanely in love with everything about you ... well, except maybe the semi-solid poops you've recently started, but more on that later... from the smiles you give to everyone to the intense way you stare at whatever your focus to the peaceful way you sleep all cozy in your swaddle. You are truly a joy to be around and make every situation that much more fun to see through the eyes of a baby taking it all in and learning from every new experience. The smiles that light up your whole face are infectious.
You've started to eat solid food! At 5 months old, I started you on rice cereal cuz I thought it might take you a little while to figure it out. Who was I kidding? It took you exactly 5 bites and you had it down. For a couple weeks I gave you rice cereal in the evenings. Then Cassie fed you cereal in the mornings too. And then we started you on sweet peas. The first time you ate peas, you shuddered as it first touched your lips. Your whole body revolted from the taste, texture, and smell of it. But you kept eating it and now you are on to green beans. You seemed to like green beans from the start. I started to make your baby food - your green beans were from the Farmers Market. I also made peaches to freeze and will continue to do this so that you have fresh veggies and fruits well into the winter.
Today, I took you to the 3rd birthday party of a little boy named Leo. You were incredibly sweet and loveable bundle of joy. You gave out smiles readily, especially to the pretty ladies, and wooed every one that stopped to receive them. You watched all the kids run around, laughed at the dogs barking and laughed with me while we swang on the swing. I couldn't have asked for a sweeter, more well-behaved baby.
Love Mama
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