I initially planned to call this post Eloquent. It is a bit of a stretch to call Greysen's speech eloquent. However, it is not a stretch to say that his speech has Exploded in the last week or so. He now talks in sentences and we can actually have short conversations about rocks and food and toys, mostly trucks and airplanes.

While we drove in the car, and Greysen in his carseat, from Wishek, ND to Dickinson, ND a couple days ago (a subject I will write about in the next post), Cassie asked Greysen what he'd like to eat in addition to what he'd already (barely) eaten. She said, "What else do you want?" And Greysen responded, referring to his carseat, "I want out."
This morning Greysen threw a temper tantrum (nope, we aren't spared from those) and whipped his head backward right into my nose. I put him down while I reeled from the pain. Greysen stopped his tantrum and followed me as I sat on the stairs. He put his hand on my arm and said, "Mama, hurt." And then he pointed to himself when Andrew asked me what happened and he said, "Greysen" in his pained, scrunched-up, hurt face. He was acknowledging that he hurt me.
He can count to 10 by himself, sings every single word of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by himself and in the right tune and he sings over and over his A,B, C's up to J and then ends it with (in the right tune), "Now I know my A, B's."
Is it any wonder that I can't keep up with this? SHEESH!
The comprehension amazes me. I know he understands more than he can speak. So the smarts of this kid is, by far, already surpassed his Mama. And it'll only get better ...
He looks like a little British baby in his knickers in this shot.