Monday, December 19, 2011
L is for Lights

K is for Karma, Kismet
Friday, November 25, 2011
J is for Job
Stay tuned.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
H is for Halloween
Greysen is going to be Raggedy Andy doll for Halloween this year. I think it'll be a cute, fun, easy outfit. And it's one that I won't get away with dressing my child as for very long. As soon as he wants to pick out his own outfits, I am certain a doll will not be the choice.
And Andrew and I are going to be the old washed-up has-been parents of Raggedy Andy doll - maybe Raggedy Becky and Andy. Ratted hair, too much makeup, cleavage, smoking cigs, etc ... Got any other ideas about how to make this look legit?
I will undoubtedly post pics of Greysen but I don't know yet whether our pics will be blog-worthy.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
G is for Gay
The co-worker responded, with a chuckle, "Wouldn't it be funny if Greysen turned out to be flaming Gay?"
I didn't know how to respond. How does one respond to this question? It raised so many questions and so many responses, that I was stunned into a non-response. That just isn't like me.
Relatedly, yesterday was the official end to the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy of the military in the U.S. Witness history and be proud that the U.S. can look beyond this irrelavant personal detail. The question was, for this situation and for the instance of my co-worker making that comment, "What does it matter?"
Saturday, September 17, 2011
F is for Family
To honor the life of this cute and feisty lady, our whole Family gathered at the church in Wishek, North Dakota. It's the first time the cousins had been together since my Grandpa passed away 24 years ago. Gramma was never one to travel far or wide but was always wherever her Family could be found. She would have been so happy to see us all together in one place.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
E is for Exploded

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
D is for DIRT
Monday, August 29, 2011

Bennett, Emerson, Greysen and Dylan quietly reading their books and surprising the heck out of everyone. The only little one missing here is Parker. She's the little lady and seems to rule the others.

I can't even take credit for the pics in this post. It's another perk of the Cassie-care arrangement. The pics are here, like many things in the daily care of the kiddos, all thanks to Cassie.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
B is for Boogers
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Adjectives of Adoration

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Four-legged, Furry Friend

Friday, May 20, 2011
Monkey See, Monkey Do
These are three of the cuties at CassieCare. Greysen is the one closest to the video with the tie-dye shirt on.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Hippy Shorts

Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Weekend, Happy Mama
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Random Acts of Cuteness
Kissing babies in the book (a future in politics?)
Hoping there is something in the egg
Cuddling with every cushion, pillow, blanky, and stuffed animal in sight
Easter egg hunt
Sitting in the "Tot Spot"
Friday, April 22, 2011
(Sorry - couldn't figure out how to turn it around ... )
And another one (can't just have one!) ...
Cute Little Mister is upright!
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Then we began to open the mountain of gifts. Thanks to Oma, Opa, Cassie, Uncle Dave and Aunt Jessie, and Granny Jingles for all the great gifts. Naturally though, he loved the boxes the most.

Week by week and month by month you delight your parents with your sweet, loveable personality and your adorable little being. Every stage of your development is our favorite. We have had the best year of our lives with you in it. And we are excited about the adventures we'll have together as a family in the future. We take every moment in and revel in its glory as we know that tomorrow will be a new milestone and another step, literally. Your newest milestone is to walk a few steps and while you still choose crawling as your mode of travel, it's a glimpse into the busy lives we have ahead of us. Your little waddle is as adorable as we've seen from you and you are so excited about the progress you make as you take 2, then 3, then 4, then 5 steps to reach us.... a little more each day. Thanks for making our year an utter delight with you just being alive. We love you more than anything Sweet Baby Grey.

Mama & Da-Da