Today Greysen turns 9 months old. He has an appointment today for, well, I don't really know what for. But I'm happy to be able to report his height and weight for the memoirs. In usual G fashion, G kept me from having to ask the tough questions and follow through with unpleasant parenting.... I planned to ask Tess (pediatrician) what I could do to help G transition to sleeping through the night without feeding. I was fully prepared for the awkward and difficult process of "sleep training." And instead, after he got over being sick just a few days ago, G transitioned to
sleeping through the night for TWELVE HOURS at a time without intervention. He now goes to bed at 7-7:30 p.m. and wakes 6:30-7 a.m. I've seen glimpses of his interest in sleeping through the night for quite some time now. He's only awakened once per night (12 hour period) for about three months now. And he falls immediately back to sleep while nursing. And then sometimes he'd just sleep right through and fail to wake. And I'd wake up around the usual nursing time confused and wondering if I'd slept through it without remembering that I woke to feed him.

And because this is an important milestone for me (and my sleep) and for Greysen, I am fully expecting it to end any night now. But if it does, I will know for certain that he CAN sleep through the night without eating and I can ignore those nagging thoughts that perhaps I'm denying my baby the much-needed midnight feeding. And I can be certain that if I have to do that difficult parenting thing called sleep training, I will be stronger and more resilient to his little cries and pleas for attention.
Good job, Little Man. Mama has earned her rest.