Greysen is growing like a weed. Too often, I'll go into his dresser to pull something out to wear and it is too small and has to be retired to the baby bin of outgrown clothes (and rejected clothes that contain football insignia - another story for another post another time).

While in utero, I joked with AVD about how he is growing like a weed. Her response, in her usual French witty way, was to refer to him as Le Herb (she will cringe at my spelling and grimace at my pronunciation). Le herb is french for grass which is close enough to weed so VOILA! His nickname was born: Herbie.
We called him Herbie for the entire pregnancy and on more than one occasion his Oma worried that it would stick and we would call him Herbie for his lifetime. Luckily we've got many many more nicknames for him that seem to have stuck more than Herbie.
I usually lament his outgrown clothes because there are SO MANY cute ones that he never wore or wore just once. And I get sad that he's already growing so fast that I can't keep up with him. So, I tried on his hats the other day and alas, many are too small... But oh what a fun and hilarious series of pics. Ironically, his head looks HUGE but it really is quite small on the scale of baby heads (25th percentile in circumference). Enjoy...
And finally, one that still fits ...
Ahhh, the hat pics ROCK. I laughed my butt off at each one! ~DJakes