Sunday morning G awoke with a rattle in his chest. He slept little that day and didn't have his usual happy disposition. Monday morning we awoke to a temp of 100.4, called the doc and took him in. The doc made us feel better by telling us that his listless behavior, elevated temp, lack of sleep and rattled chest was enough to justify any visit to the doc. She sent us on our way with the diagnosis of a common cold. She even told us we could get in the car and make the trip with Papa to Laramie, WY for a conference on pronghorns.
We traveled halfway to the stopping point of Buffalo, WY two days ago, a Monday. By the time we arrived, I wished I'd stayed home with Greysen. He was miserable in the carseat and had an elevated temp once again. We got him into our hotel and started him on acetaminophen to decrease his temp. It was a constant watch. His temp rose and spiked to 102.5. We called the ER nurses twice during the night. His behavior alarmed us most - he was burning up, his eyes watered and reddened, he wouldn't focus, stared blankly past us like he was catatonic, he wouldn't even cry. He ate and urinated which comforted me some but I knew from his behavior that he was sick and really sick.
At the urging of the ER nurse, we put a cold washcloth on his groin, armpits and forehead, gave him more acetaminophen and waited another 1.5 hours for the temp to go down. If it didn't, we had to take him in. It was about 4 a.m. by this time and his temperature finally registered at 100.4 again. It was going down. He slept a good 2.5 hours while I watched him through dozes. Around 5 a.m., his temp was at 100.1, and by 6:15, it was at 98.6.
Most of all his behavior changed back to what we knew. He was smiling and trying to coo through his snotty nose and mucous throat. His eyes focused on us and he begged for food like he'd done prior to his cold. I couldn't be more happy to hear him crying and lodging complaints for the slow manner in which I was getting the boob for him to eat; something he often does when he's hungry. Throughout the day yesterday, he slept like a log and we were thankful given that we had another 4 hours to go in the car to get to Laramie. His temp continued to stay normal and his body was clearing itself out - running, sneezing, stuffy head, coughing, but no fever. With this, we could deal.
Today, he is happy. This is a photo just minutes ago while I changed his butt. The smile is even sweeter today than it was just three days ago before he was sick. When they say to enjoy every moment, drink it in and cherish the little things, this is why. I am sitting in a hotel in Laramie, WY watching my little boy sleep peacefully (with a few coughs and sputters) and awaiting the moment he awakes so I can enjoy this again:

It is nice to see him smile after all that he went through.