Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
New Camera/Old Computer
I bought a new camera. And I promise to post many MANY quality amazing photos of the life and times of one Mr. Sweet Baby Grey. But for now, I still haven't downloaded the software to post pics on my camera. The battery is dying in this computer and I'm afraid it'll go down for good if I try to download software. I will, very soon, get this battery thing fixed and then prepare to be wowed by the cuteness that oozes from my little baby's very being.
Stay tuned ...
Stay tuned ...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Shots - gulp
Today Greysen had his 2-month shots. It was heartbreaking. Even the nurse apologized to me (maybe should have apologized to Greysen) for making him cry so hard and couldn't look at me cuz she'd cry too. But he was such a trooper. He cried quite hard while it happened and then shortly afterward he comforted his Mama and Papa with smiles and coos.
He is still not totally back to pre-shot G. He's just a bit fussy. However, he is sleeping soundly in his crib right now and eating just like normal (a LOT). What a sweet baby.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Return from Nowhere
Our fam returned unscathed from our trip to Wyoming. Baby Grey still has a stuffy nose and congestion but NOTHING like what he suffered on the trip. Mama is a bit more tired and I feel like I might be coming down with something - unless it's just suffering from lack-of-sleep. Nothing new though. And Papa is relieved that he's done with his presentations and responsibilities for the conference. In all, we had a successful first road trip with baby and will know a lot more when we attempt a long road trip again in the future.
The best part about the weekend was meeting sweet little Eloise (Lucy) Throckmorton and catching up with her parents Jammer and Meghan. Eloise is like her parents - sw
eet mellow and adorable. Her mannerisms are so similar to Greysen's too; they coo and smile and respond so similarly to interaction. Lucy is quite a bit more mellow in the carseat but we're hoping Greysen learned a thing or two from his older cousin. I wish we could all live closer and spend more weekends together in the pool, playing dominoes and going for breakfast in a crowded diner... and maybe even going for a hike in the hills together without wind blowing us over.
Friday, May 21, 2010
So many perfect things about our Sweet Baby Grey:
- Smile
- Coos, gurgles, squeals and sounds
- Attitude even while sick
- Hairline (male pattern baldness already)
- Chubby cheeks
- Chin
- Ears (even if they are his Papa's ;-))
- Hands
- Feet 

- Parents! (HA)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Greysen's little body is trying to dispell all the gunk leftover from his cold. And because babies don't know how to blow their own noses, I have to use the aspirator. It's that blue bulb that goes up the nose and sucks the snot out ... notoriously hated, but desparately needed. I think Greysen has figured out that it helps him breathe because he has stopped fighting it. He's miserable enough to realize, even in his little baby brain, that I'm helping him by making him momentarily uncomfortable. Poor little guy.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Drink it in ...
After long vigilant 3-day wait from his parents, little sleep and much worry, Greysen is on the mend from his cold. And his parents are rejoicing at seeing him do the little things we've come to know and love as part of his personality ...
Sunday morning G awoke with a rattle in his chest. He slept little that day and didn't have his usual happy disposition. Monday morning we awoke to a temp of 100.4, called the doc and took him in. The doc made us feel better by telling us that his listless behavior, elevated temp, lack of sleep and rattled chest was enough to justify any visit to the doc. She sent us on our way with the diagnosis of a common cold. She even told us we could get in the car and make the trip with Papa to Laramie, WY for a conference on pronghorns.
We traveled halfway to the stopping point of Buffalo, WY two days ago, a Monday. By the time we arrived, I wished I'd stayed home with Greysen. He was miserable in the carseat and had an elevated temp once again. We got him into our hotel and started him on acetaminophen to decrease his temp. It was a constant watch. His temp rose and spiked to 102.5. We called the ER nurses twice during the night. His behavior alarmed us most - he was burning up, his eyes watered and reddened, he wouldn't focus, stared blankly past us like he was catatonic, he wouldn't even cry. He ate and urinated which comforted me some but I knew from his behavior that he was sick and really sick.
At the urging of the ER nurse, we put a cold washcloth on his groin, armpits and forehead, gave him more acetaminophen and waited another 1.5 hours for the temp to go down. If it didn't, we had to take him in. It was about 4 a.m. by this time and his temperature finally registered at 100.4 again. It was going down. He slept a good 2.5 hours while I watched him through dozes. Around 5 a.m., his temp was at 100.1, and by 6:15, it was at 98.6.
Most of all his behavior changed back to what we knew. He was smiling and trying to coo through his snotty nose and mucous throat. His eyes focused on us and he begged for food like he'd done prior to his cold. I couldn't be more happy to hear him crying and lodging complaints for the slow manner in which I was getting the boob for him to eat; something he often does when he's hungry. Throughout the day yesterday, he slept like a log and we were thankful given that we had another 4 hours to go in the car to get to Laramie. His temp continued to stay normal and his body was clearing itself out - running, sneezing, stuffy head, coughing, but no fever. With this, we could deal.
Today, he is happy. This is a photo just minutes ago while I changed his butt. The smile is even sweeter today than it was just three days ago before he was sick. When they say to enjoy every moment, drink it in and cherish the little things, this is why. I am sitting in a hotel in Laramie, WY watching my little boy sleep peacefully (with a few coughs and sputters) and awaiting the moment he awakes so I can enjoy this again:
Sunday morning G awoke with a rattle in his chest. He slept little that day and didn't have his usual happy disposition. Monday morning we awoke to a temp of 100.4, called the doc and took him in. The doc made us feel better by telling us that his listless behavior, elevated temp, lack of sleep and rattled chest was enough to justify any visit to the doc. She sent us on our way with the diagnosis of a common cold. She even told us we could get in the car and make the trip with Papa to Laramie, WY for a conference on pronghorns.
We traveled halfway to the stopping point of Buffalo, WY two days ago, a Monday. By the time we arrived, I wished I'd stayed home with Greysen. He was miserable in the carseat and had an elevated temp once again. We got him into our hotel and started him on acetaminophen to decrease his temp. It was a constant watch. His temp rose and spiked to 102.5. We called the ER nurses twice during the night. His behavior alarmed us most - he was burning up, his eyes watered and reddened, he wouldn't focus, stared blankly past us like he was catatonic, he wouldn't even cry. He ate and urinated which comforted me some but I knew from his behavior that he was sick and really sick.
At the urging of the ER nurse, we put a cold washcloth on his groin, armpits and forehead, gave him more acetaminophen and waited another 1.5 hours for the temp to go down. If it didn't, we had to take him in. It was about 4 a.m. by this time and his temperature finally registered at 100.4 again. It was going down. He slept a good 2.5 hours while I watched him through dozes. Around 5 a.m., his temp was at 100.1, and by 6:15, it was at 98.6.
Most of all his behavior changed back to what we knew. He was smiling and trying to coo through his snotty nose and mucous throat. His eyes focused on us and he begged for food like he'd done prior to his cold. I couldn't be more happy to hear him crying and lodging complaints for the slow manner in which I was getting the boob for him to eat; something he often does when he's hungry. Throughout the day yesterday, he slept like a log and we were thankful given that we had another 4 hours to go in the car to get to Laramie. His temp continued to stay normal and his body was clearing itself out - running, sneezing, stuffy head, coughing, but no fever. With this, we could deal.
Today, he is happy. This is a photo just minutes ago while I changed his butt. The smile is even sweeter today than it was just three days ago before he was sick. When they say to enjoy every moment, drink it in and cherish the little things, this is why. I am sitting in a hotel in Laramie, WY watching my little boy sleep peacefully (with a few coughs and sputters) and awaiting the moment he awakes so I can enjoy this again:

Friday, May 14, 2010
I've taken up a new pasttime while I feed Greysen - watching the instant online shows and movies on Netflix. We finally got rid of our energy-sucking, time-consuming cable TV (200+ channels) and got Netflix instead. I first saw Boy With The Striped Pajamas and bawled like a baby. Bad choice. So, to avert hormonal disaster, I next started watching the Showtime series Weeds. Another bad choice? Is there something wrong with me watching a series about a soccer mom who sells pot in suburban L.A. while I feed my almost-8 week old baby? Naaah, it's hilariously entertaining and ridiculous, and I don't bust up crying. Can't be all bad.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Belly Aches and Pics
On Mother's Day, poor Greysen had a belly ache of epic proportions. He's had them before but nothing like this. He fussed and cried and wouldn't eat and just simply wasn't the happy sweet baby we know and love. We finally gave him Mylicon and ther
e began the deluge of spit-ups. I've never seen him spit up so much. I was relieved even though he went through three outfits and many spit rags before he was himself again.
CDoc tried to take photos of him but we weren't into photos when Greysen was so uncomfortable. But here are few of the really great ones she got with just my point-and-shoot digital camera. There will be more to come when we get the others ones developed from her film camera. Thanks Aunt Cassie!

CDoc tried to take photos of him but we weren't into photos when Greysen was so uncomfortable. But here are few of the really great ones she got with just my point-and-shoot digital camera. There will be more to come when we get the others ones developed from her film camera. Thanks Aunt Cassie!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Greysen's name has a literary origin. The book is enititled Grayson by Lynne Cox. I fell in love with this book years ago and it has been sitting on my bookshelf since the love affair began. One day, while pregnant and cleaning the bookshelf, the book fell on my foot. My sister, CDoc, nearby noticed it too and I said, "This would be a great name for a boy and a good book for a namesake." I introduced the name and book to AJ and he fell in love with it too. And so the story goes...
It's a perfect Mother's Day Tale. It's about a woman who helped a baby gray whale find his mother after they were separated by fishing boats nearby. A woman was swimming off the coast of California and noticed a baby gray whale, 18 feet in length, following her. She realized that if she swam to shore, the whale would follow her and beach itself and die. So, she swam and swam and swam until, with the help of local fisherman and people on the wharf, they were able to reunite the mother and baby gray whale.
The story is riddled with tales of the bond of mother and baby, nature, connection with non-human things and the magic of it all. She believes she was able to speak to the baby whale to keep it with her so it wasn't lost permanently. And when reunited, she believes that the mother whale thanked her by rolling to the side to look her straight in the eye before she swam off with her baby in tow - looking like she had a smile on her large peaceful face.
We gave Greysen his own spelling and added the middle name Alexander from Andrew's Granddad, Papa and brother Dave. But when he can understand the magic of the story, we will tell him of the mother gray's son, Grayson, who followed a human for help and how they were able to speak to each other despite the language and species barrier.
It's a perfect Mother's Day Tale. It's about a woman who helped a baby gray whale find his mother after they were separated by fishing boats nearby. A woman was swimming off the coast of California and noticed a baby gray whale, 18 feet in length, following her. She realized that if she swam to shore, the whale would follow her and beach itself and die. So, she swam and swam and swam until, with the help of local fisherman and people on the wharf, they were able to reunite the mother and baby gray whale.
The story is riddled with tales of the bond of mother and baby, nature, connection with non-human things and the magic of it all. She believes she was able to speak to the baby whale to keep it with her so it wasn't lost permanently. And when reunited, she believes that the mother whale thanked her by rolling to the side to look her straight in the eye before she swam off with her baby in tow - looking like she had a smile on her large peaceful face.
We gave Greysen his own spelling and added the middle name Alexander from Andrew's Granddad, Papa and brother Dave. But when he can understand the magic of the story, we will tell him of the mother gray's son, Grayson, who followed a human for help and how they were able to speak to each other despite the language and species barrier.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Greysen's Hike
Greysen and I took a hike up our hill yesterday. He sporte
d the new sunglasses he got from his buddy Ephram Dick whom he hasn't even met yet (THANKS JEN!). He loved the hike though I think he may have missed a lot of it sleeping in the Baby Bjorn. I have a feeling he'll have many opportunities to enjoy this hike in the next few months.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I Want YOU!
Cloth diapers - YEAH!

Speaking of butts - we finally started diapering Greysen with cloth reuseable diapers. They have come a long way since our parents' days of white cloth and pins. But they are still a bit of work and certainly the washing is messy and a bit of a hassle. However, I can tell you that we will easily save hundreds of dollars a year by using them. And it's better for him, better for our planet and better for my conscience.
And that makes all the difference.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Laughing Now ...
Greysen turned 6 weeks yesterday. And what they said about it getting easier really is true. I think it's a combination of him becoming more predictable and me becoming more comfortable with parenthood. Plus, he's out of the growth spurt that had him attached to my boob for 12 hours of the day.
I've begun to enjoy everything about being a parent. I even laughed aloud this morning when I laid Greysen down to be changed. I knew better but I took his diaper off and he was totally free of a diaper barrier. He let out a fart and well, it sprayed halfway across our very large room. At the same time, he peed and spit up. Luckily I had the pee blocker in the way of his spray or I'd have had them both on me.
And I can enjoy his cry and understand some of them are just cries of frustration and defiance rather than the I'm-surely-going-to-die-and-even-if-I-don't-my-Mama-surely-sucks-at-being-my-Mama kind of cry that I thought they all were just 2 weeks ago.
And when he does cry, even the Mama-sucks cry, I know how to respond now to quiet him - swaddle, sway, shhhhh-ing, dancing, Moby or Baby Bjorn , even just sitting him in front of the light so he can stare at it for minutes on end (which is like hours in adult times - kinda like counting dog years).
And I even know now how to get ready in the morning - shower, blow-dry hair, EVEN put mascara on my eyelashes - all before he blows up! This was quite an accomplishment and made me realize that my life didn't have to change so much (sarcasm inserted).
Needless to say, I'm enjoying my time with Greysen at home. We get out more, we laugh more and, dare I say it, I get more sleep. Six weeks is bliss.
I've begun to enjoy everything about being a parent. I even laughed aloud this morning when I laid Greysen down to be changed. I knew better but I took his diaper off and he was totally free of a diaper barrier. He let out a fart and well, it sprayed halfway across our very large room. At the same time, he peed and spit up. Luckily I had the pee blocker in the way of his spray or I'd have had them both on me.
And I can enjoy his cry and understand some of them are just cries of frustration and defiance rather than the I'm-surely-going-to-die-and-even-if-I-don't-my-Mama-surely-sucks-at-being-my-Mama kind of cry that I thought they all were just 2 weeks ago.
And when he does cry, even the Mama-sucks cry, I know how to respond now to quiet him - swaddle, sway, shhhhh-ing, dancing, Moby or Baby Bjorn , even just sitting him in front of the light so he can stare at it for minutes on end (which is like hours in adult times - kinda like counting dog years).
And I even know now how to get ready in the morning - shower, blow-dry hair, EVEN put mascara on my eyelashes - all before he blows up! This was quite an accomplishment and made me realize that my life didn't have to change so much (sarcasm inserted).
Needless to say, I'm enjoying my time with Greysen at home. We get out more, we laugh more and, dare I say it, I get more sleep. Six weeks is bliss.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Coos and Gurgles
Greysen is smiling and cooing at his Mama and Papa. This is the proof. Brings tears to my eyes to see how cute and sweet he can be ...
Baby Bjorn v. Moby
Greysen has two desireable carriers for this age: the Moby Wrap and the Baby Bjorn. The Baby Bjorn, a front carrier that is structured and much like a backpack to carry a kid in the front, is time-tested by many Mamas. The Moby, a 9 foot piece of fabric with no structure but in how it wraps around you, is rather new. I've tried them both and like them both. Greysen seems to like them both as well. The Moby Wrap:
I'll let the Papa Andrew be the tie-breaker and decide which is better. I have a feeling he'll like the Baby Bjorn - it's more like a backpack with structure and that's what he's accustomed to wearing - sans baby. Keep posted for the verdict.
Godspeed Little Man
Every night before I put Greysen down for the what I hope will be his long night's sleep, I sing him this lullaby. Luckily, at this age, he forgives his Mama for her voice (or lack thereof).
Godspeed (Sweet Dreams) by Dixie Chicks
Dragon tales and the "water is wide"
Pirate's sail and lost boys fly
Fish bite moonbeams every night
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly
to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
The rocket racer's all tuckered out
Superman's in pajamas on the couch
Goodnight moon, will find the mouse
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly
to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
God bless mommy and match box cars
God bless dad and thanks for the stars
God hears "Amen," wherever we are
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly
to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
Godspeed (Sweet Dreams) by Dixie Chicks
Dragon tales and the "water is wide"
Pirate's sail and lost boys fly
Fish bite moonbeams every night
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly
to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
The rocket racer's all tuckered out
Superman's in pajamas on the couch
Goodnight moon, will find the mouse
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly
to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
God bless mommy and match box cars
God bless dad and thanks for the stars
God hears "Amen," wherever we are
And I love you
Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly
to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams
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