Greysen Alexander Jakes was born on March 22, 2010 at 5:38 a.m. by emergency c-section after many long hours (days) of labor. He was 7 lbs 6.9 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. My first introduction to his presence was the sound of his cry from the other side of the curtain dividing my lower and upper body. He had good lungs and I was happy to hear that little scream even if I wasn't allowed to hold him in my arms until about an hour and a half later.
Greysen also had quite the cone head. He impressed even the most seasoned OB nurse and doc. By the time we left the hospital 4 days later, he'd already lost an inch of length. And his head shape gradually became the sweet kissable head that it is with requisite baby smell.
He continues to both dismay and delight his Mama and Papa with smiles and cooing; with holding his head up already; with Olympic potential pooping skills.
Happy One Month Birthday Sweet Baby Grey. We love you.
Rock-a-bye sweet baby, Grey. The world will never be the same. In all the best ways.
ReplyDeleteAuntie Jessie
One month old. It is unbelievable how time does fly. We love you! Oma and Opa