Cassie takes care of Greysen every day while we are at work. We have never had to worry about child care. And we feel so very lucky. I could fill this whole blog about stories of Cassie-care kids. There are five kids (not all at once) who are lucky enough to have Cassie love them. And boy does she love them.
Cassie has to run upstairs every now and then.

And there is no way, with just one person, she can keep an eye on the kiddos while she's gone. This particular time, when things got suddenly quiet downstairs, she knew trouble was a-brewing. She was pleasantly surprised when she found this instead ...
Bennett, Emerson, Greysen and Dylan quietly reading their books and surprising the heck out of everyone. The only little one missing here is Parker. She's the little lady and seems to rule the others.

Commonly, the kiddos spend their time looking out the door window trying to convince Cassie they need not eat, sleep, or play inside. They love to be outside and even pine over the outdoors when they are inside. Cassie often hears, "Big truck," "hi" (to passersby), "Rain, rain go way," "deer." They get outside almost every day unless the weather doesn't allow. In the winter, this is quite the feat cuz they all get dressed in their snowsuits and by the time the last kid is dressed, the first couple have had multiple meltdowns. I can't imagine the challenge on a regular basis.
I can't even take credit for the pics in this post. It's another perk of the Cassie-care arrangement. The pics are here, like many things in the daily care of the kiddos, all thanks to