Greysen woke up about 4:45 a.m. this morning to eat. He barely opens his eyes while he eats, so

I quickly change his butt and then put him back to bed. This morning he was a bit more awake while I changed him. He chewed on his feet, talked to DaDaDa, and smiled at me in the little light of the room. I swaddled him up and put him in his bed, wide-eyed and happy. I checked on a couple things in the room; the usual things to make my paranoia relax (make sure the door is locked, the heat is off, and the humidifier is going) and then peaked into his crib before I went back upstairs. He turned to look at me immediately which startled me a bit, as I thought he was surely already sleeping. But then he gave me a content, happy, very sweet smile, turned back to his crib and was out. Melted my heart.