Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Cassie took some photos of Greysen tonight. His Mama and Papa LOVE LOVE LOVE them. However will we choose the ones we want to frame and put up in our house? Could you help? Here are a few... Please comment on the ones you like most. 

New Take on "Tummy" Time
I go to Cassie-care (CC) every day to feed Greysen during lunch. It's not an unusual sight to see one of the Mama's sitting on the couch at CC breastfeeding. I guess that's what happens when you have 3 children under the age of 1 in the same place.
Yesterday there was a visiting 3-year old to CC. I call her Big G cuz Greysen is Little G. She is quite the little smartie but I didn't know whether she'd ever seen breastfeeding. So I covered up. At one point, she looked around and said, "Where is that baby?" And Cassie pointed at Greysen's feet sticking out of the coat he hid under while eating. Big G moved around to position herself to see and find out what he was doing in there. She looked at me and said, "What is he doing in there?" To which I responded, after looking frighteningly at Cassie, "He's eating." Big G asked what he was eating and why he was under there and then she said, "Why are you feeding him from your tummy?"
PHEW - that was a little more comfortable than the atlernative question that could have resulted about birds and bees and storks and all that. But my response didn't satisfy her curiosity cuz then she poked, prodded and rubbed my "tummy." I didn't want to act like it was a big deal but it really wasn't comfortable. So I told her that she shouldn't distract Greysen from eating. And then I finished up, covered up and got the h-e-double-l out of there.
And then I had to explain to Big G's Mama what went on so she didn't hear it first from Big G's perspective. I didn't, however, explain that I was felt up by her 3-year old. It didn't seem important since she obviously thought she was feeling my tummy.
Yesterday there was a visiting 3-year old to CC. I call her Big G cuz Greysen is Little G. She is quite the little smartie but I didn't know whether she'd ever seen breastfeeding. So I covered up. At one point, she looked around and said, "Where is that baby?" And Cassie pointed at Greysen's feet sticking out of the coat he hid under while eating. Big G moved around to position herself to see and find out what he was doing in there. She looked at me and said, "What is he doing in there?" To which I responded, after looking frighteningly at Cassie, "He's eating." Big G asked what he was eating and why he was under there and then she said, "Why are you feeding him from your tummy?"
PHEW - that was a little more comfortable than the atlernative question that could have resulted about birds and bees and storks and all that. But my response didn't satisfy her curiosity cuz then she poked, prodded and rubbed my "tummy." I didn't want to act like it was a big deal but it really wasn't comfortable. So I told her that she shouldn't distract Greysen from eating. And then I finished up, covered up and got the h-e-double-l out of there.
And then I had to explain to Big G's Mama what went on so she didn't hear it first from Big G's perspective. I didn't, however, explain that I was felt up by her 3-year old. It didn't seem important since she obviously thought she was feeling my tummy.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Greysen turned 5 months old on Sunday, August 22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET BABY GREY!
For his birthday, we gave him rice cereal. We knew he needed to be adept at eating solid food by his 6 month birthday. But we didn't know how long it would take him to figure it out so we started a month early.
Turns out it took him exactly 3 bites.
Sure, he gets it all over his mouth and bib, but he also gets a good amount in his belly. The proof, as they say, is in the poop the next day. I can't imagine what the peas, squash and carrots poop will look like. OH, the joys.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tummy Time Video
I just learned how to post videos onto my blog through YouTube. So, you'll have to excuse my late post of Tummy Time. I tried to post this long ago to no avail. But my old brain learned a new trick and now I must use it ...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Camping Part Deu
Aunt Cass, armed with camera, got many awesome photos of G lying under the blue sky - if you look
close enough, you can see the whispy clouds reflecting in his eyes.

Later on in the evening when the sun went down the heat let up a bit, G and the dogs passed out, G on the blanket and Sake nearby to guard him. I put his hat on and
my shirt over him and he slept there while we played ladder golf. What a good boy.
Later on in the evening when the sun went down the heat let up a bit, G and the dogs passed out, G on the blanket and Sake nearby to guard him. I put his hat on and
Sunday night, at home in our own beds, G slept terribly. We concluded that we'd sell our house and move into our tent so we can all have optimum sleep.
We love camping!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Six States in Five Months!
We stayed at my Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Vern's place.
It was a comfortable place to stay because they have several grandchildren of their own. They had sleeping quarters, exersaucer and SWING for G to camp in. G loved the swing.

We spent Friday evening visiting Great Aunt Cheryl and Great Uncle Vern and then saw Great
Aunt Paulette and (here's where I can't figure out the relation) Second-cousin Brent and Third-cousin (?) Jaden. Greysen exhibited a bit of stranger anxiety for the first time but got over it for the rest of the weekend - which was good cuz he met dozens of people for the first time this week. And most im
portantly, we got to see G's Great Grandmas and take four generation pictures of them both.
I got to see my 7 girlfriends from high school. We were inseparable in high school and when we're in the same town at the same time (once per year as we've committed), we could probably be described as inseparable then too. We took this photo in high school and now it's replaced with this much better looking crew. We've aged like fine wine ... mmmm, wine!
We were back in town for one sick day (both Greysen and I had a cold) and then we flew out, for the first time with bebe, to D.C. Greysen did GREAT on the flights and passengers on the plane advised us: "That one's a keeper. He was SO GOOD." We assured them we would keep him.
On Sunday, we went to a BBQ at the Andrico's house. We met the little dolly Olivia and many other little ones we hadn't yet met - Brayden, Taylor, Jake, and Whit. G did so well meeting Papa's peops. He even napped a little on the bed to reenergize for all the smiling and talking he did that afternoon. We didn't get photos of the event but it was great to see the dudes hanging out with beers in one hand and bebes in the other.
Greysen has been in six states since birth - Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, Virginia, Maryland and Minnesota. Crazy traveler already, but since we've been back, he's settled back into quiet Montana life and his good sleeping habits. This morning at 4:30 a.m., instead of awaking to a crying baby, I awoke to cooing and talking sounds: aaaaaaAAAA, eeeeeEEEEE, heeeeeeyyyy, dooooooooo, gooooooooo. I reluctantly interrupted his chat with his crib animal friends to feed him so that he could sleep again until 7:15 this morning.
Sweet Baby Grey is back into the swing of his sweet baby life.
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